+64 (80) 0448812 Reset Xtra Mail Password

Xtra Mail, a parent company of Spark is a modern communication service that has a comprehensive email solution trusted by individuals and businesses all over New Zealand.  Being one of the leading telecommunication providers across New Zealand, it provides intuitive interface, advanced features as well as strong emphasis on security and support. In terms of choosing email service, most of the users preferred to use Xtra Mail because it is one stop email solution that is tailored to meet the digital service requirements. As Xtra Mail provide range of service but sometimes there may be conflict while resetting Xtra Mail password: Here, we provide a step by step guidelines to be followed on How to reset Xtra Mail Password:  

Steps to reset Xtra mail Paswword:

  1. Firstly, open the web browser and type Xtra Mail login in the search bar. Click on the official website of Xtra Mail.
  2. After the login page of Xtra Mail is opened the users have to navigate and click on the option “Reset Password” or “Recover your password”. It is basically found near the login fields.
  3. On the password recovery p[age, the users will be prompted to fill up their Xtra Mail email ID. The users should fill up the complete email Id that is linked with their Xtra Mail account.
  4. Once the email ID is entered, the system will verify the users identity which will involve receiving a verification code to the users email ID or contact number that is associated with their Xtra Mail account.
  5. The system will verify the users identity and an option will appear on the screen to reset Xtra Mail password. The users have to create a password that should be unique and strong and meet the requirements of Spark’s.
  6. Now the password is reset successfully. The users will receive a confirmation notice which says “Your Password has been changed”.
  7. Finally the users can use their newly setup password to login to the Xtra mail account. 

In some cases there might be conflict while resetting the password such as not receiving the verification code or system unable to verify the users identity. To fix such issue Consider getting in touch with Xtra Mail customer care. They can provide alternate method to reset the Xtra Mail password and help to regain acess to Xtra Mail account.

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